
I was addicted to sex. I felt that it was the only thing I needed to be happy and satisfied. But it wasn’t. It just made me feel weak, hurt, and low.

One of my friends told me that God loved me. I started to go to her church to see who this God was. He spoke to me and told me that I was His daughter and I didn’t have to ever be addicted to sex again. He told me that He would help me get through this storm. He showed me what real love was and I that it was promising and safe because He was love. Love that I needed from Him.

He saved me that day and I’m so thankful beyond measure.

We are free from our mistakes. We are free from our struggles. We are free from our hurt and pain. It feels great to know and feel this freedom.

The one who told me that I was free was God. He tells us by using His peaceful voice, His comforting touch, His light that He provides and shares with us. His Word of wisdom is so keeping. Freedom is powerful and needed. While we receive this Freedom from God, we move forward and even closer to Him.

I hope this message helps you. It definitely helps me. Love you all, and God bless you fully. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About the Author | Nzinga Julson

I'm a truthteller. It feels so great to tell the truth. I feel free and I will continue to tell the truth and pray that everyone will do the same. God bless and Amen.

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