Give Yourself Permission to Pause

Let’s talk about being women! Meet the founder of The Woman’s Network and mindfulness teacher Lois Shannon, as she describes her journey from being a middle daughter among five girls, to building her life as a corporate executive, to eventually re-emerging from her primarily masculine life to explore what it means to be a woman in our society. Together, we discuss the many qualities of the feminine and how giving yourself permission to pause throughout the day can connect you to the importance of self-nurturing and honoring your feminine rhythms. Stay until the end, as Lois guides listeners through a beautiful meditation that will leave you feeling refreshed and open.

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About the Author | Lois Shannon

Lois Shannon has spent the last five years on an intensive path of self-discovery in an attempt to understand and embody what it means to be a woman in the 21st century. After feeling a deep disconnection with herself and the world around her, Lois reclaimed her worth through an active mindfulness practice and by sharing in a community of women. She has had a successful business career, was a full-time mother, has an active spiritual path, and has been an intrepid traveler and explorer. More recently she has been trained in trauma constellations and mindfulness facilitation, and has experience with many other healing modalities. After almost 20 years in Europe, she now lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband and three teenage children.

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