One Woman’s Journey from Surviving to Thriving


I was diagnosed at the age of fourteen with a progressive, degenerative neurological disease that the doctors said would leave me in a wheelchair by twenty-five and dead at forty. Luckily it didn’t happen as predicted. What did happen was that the dis-ease manifested itself solely in my upper extremities but did not spread to my lower extremities in which I am very grateful.

I witnessed muscle deterioration at the rate of 1 millimeter a month. After 10 years my hands were lifeless. I could no longer move my thumbs and my left hand was functionally paralyzed. At 26 I met a hand surgeon who was willing to help me regain some semblance of functionality in my very dis-abled hands and very stressed body. Everything I did hurt-from opening a door, to putting on my clothes, and brushing my hair. I was in constant pain from the lack of muscle strength required to execute these simple, mundane life tasks.

I woke up in the mornings questioning how I was going to survive. I never “really” knew what would happen to me, whether the disease would progress as stated earlier in my life. I was always in fear, in a state of constant anxiety.

That was my story and for forty years I lived my story. That story is all I knew.

Today I have rewritten my story and that is the gift and inspiration I bring to others wanting to change their lives too. This is what I learned:

“When you love yourself enough you open widely to your greatest potential and begin to heal any form of dis-ease your body, mind or spirit may be holding.”

I share my miraculous transformation from surviving to thriving to inspire you to do the same. After undergoing eighteen surgeries and 40 years of a disabling neurological disease, and exhausting the medical world, I stepped out of the medical box and opened to the world of spirituality and alternative healing modalities. I began to trust in the unknown forces of nature, the energy field and quantum physics. I learned to allow the flow of grace to nurture and heal me.

I learned healing is a process of releasing old messages stored in my DNA and what it means to have the courage to love myself enough and trust that I deserved a better life, a healthier existence. That’s when my entire body started to shift into wellness. Mostly, I learned to “let go” and follow my inner guidance. In doing so I allowed my heart to be guided by intuition and grace, not by my mind/ego, which were, for the most part, driven by fear. I was slowly and steadily unlocking myself from the only existence I had known and began to vision a new life, filled with joy and acceptance.”

I identified the energetic root of my dis-ease and realized if my heart healed my body would heal as well. I learned the incredible power of words and how we receive exactly what we ask for. I learned everything in life offers us the opportunity to grow. Most importantly, I learned that by seeing through softer eyes there was longer no room for anger.

I learned to trust you in the power to make choice and how to be the co-creator of my own destiny. You can remain locked in old story, trapped in past belief patterns/behaviors that no longer serve you, or you can create a new story-one that resonates with your authentic self. It’s about saying yes to your desires, your higher self.

I learned that forgiveness + compassion = healing. When we forgive ourselves, and others, we heal the hurt and discomfort that lies dormant in our cellular makeup.

I learned to drop my weapons and pick up my angel wings. When we are compassion and grace we attract the same. Healing is based in the heart, not the mind.

As a result of my learning, I have completely transcended the disease and live each day in joy and gratitude.

“If I can heal-anyone can heal.”

Be your hearts desire and live your soul purpose.

Laura Mayer
August 2012








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About the Author | Kelly McNelis, LLC

Women’s advocate and bestselling author of Your Messy Brilliance.

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