
Do you ever feel like your prayer is taking too long to be answered? I felt this way for a while. I continued to pray this same prayer every day, and then I started to feel like it wouldn’t ever be answered.

My prayer was for God to bless me with a friend that I could talk to, pray with, tell each other how much we loved God. Have long talks about how gospel music fills us up with healing and just be thankful that God blessed us to meet.

This prayer wasn’t being answered at all. I felt like maybe I needed to just forget about it for a while and just focus on God. So I did just that. I prayed for strength, peace, joy, happiness, health, patience, love, and kindness. I said, “You, God, are my friend, and you are all that I need.” And I continued to be closer to Him.

God blessed me with these things that I prayed for and I’m so thankful.

Two years later, July 10 of this year, 2015, God answered the prayer that I requested. It was the most peaceful way of answering. Behold, I met someone and he loves God, he loves gospel, he prays and thanks God for blessing him with a friend who is me. I got on my knees and thanked God. I also repented because one thing I always should remember is that God’s timing won’t ever be compared to our timing. God knows exactly what we need and when we need it on His time only. I thanked God and smiled wide because not only was I praying, but my friend was praying as well, and God blessed the both of us on His time!

I learned a lot of wisdom from that blessing. I read and meditated upon Proverbs 3:3-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will directs your path straight. Our God is a jealous God, and if we take our attention off of Him, He will wait for us to learn to lean on Him and trust Him and believe that, whatever we pray for, according to His will, it will be supplied on His time.

I pray that whatever you’re praying for at this very moment and you feel doubts or worries. No matter how long it takes for your prayer to be answered, read Proverbs 3:5-6 and you will begin to trust in Him even more.


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About the Author | Nzinga Julson

I'm a truthteller. It feels so great to tell the truth. I feel free and I will continue to tell the truth and pray that everyone will do the same. God bless and Amen.

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