Juggling Life

Single is not a word to be ashamed of these days. Nor are the words single mother.

Women have abilities to manage multiple areas of their lives while staying feminine. If they want to. The desire to move forward is the main catalyst, motivated by our children or inner drive for growth.

I remember times when I used to feel sorry for myself and allowed myself to stagnate in my sorrow. I didn’t really know what to do with any of this, until I decided to become the manager of my life.

Now it has become so much different. I am different. I am driven by the rule to never give up. I still go through the same routines: woke up, wash, eat, dress, put makeup on, send children to school, go to work, do the school run, cook, send the kids to their sports runs, take courses, write, etc. Challenges? Slight kick, gather yourself up, and go!

There’s no time for sadness, no time for tears, no time for being ill or feeling unwell. I have two children to be a good example for, a dog that demands attention, two jobs, my writing hunger to satisfy, and spiritual engagement to nurture my soul.

Many of us do all of this with no help from outside. We learn the word no, we become patient and grow skin, but we never grow hard. At least I hope you don’t. Because I love my life so much, in a way I never did before. Does it make me tired? Yes, there are days I literally fall into my bed and forget to disconnect the iPad charger for the night, but I am full of energy the next morning…because I know that my day is going to be fulfilled and meaningful.

I know why I am doing this.

I care for my children, because I used to dream of having a child so much!

I am happy to care for my dog, because I always wanted one.

I spend lots of early mornings writing, because this is what brings me satisfaction, pride, and pleasure—and my literature teachers always encouraged me to write.

I move around in my car a lot, because I love to arrive on time and I used to want to learn to drive and have my own car.

I work hard to hold down two jobs. But I once wanted to get a job and become independent. I have grown in confidence so much!

I set myself tasks and write everything down so I don’t forget, because I love my life to be organized and fulfilled.

I make plans for own growth and development of my success, because I believe in the process and my purpose.

I hope you love what you do, too. If you don’t, it’s time to visualize your meaningful life and highlight your goals, take a step every day, and give yourself time to feel enlightened by what you’ve accomplished.

About the Author | A.M.K.

Since early childhood, A.M.K. has been in love with reading and writing. She is a fighter for justice and supports others through challenging circumstances. She is an administrator of the Facebook group Hope and Restoration for Women from Abuse, and a well-known member of the Facebook group Emotional Abuse Breakthrough, where she offers support to women in their journeys out of abuse.

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