Painting A More Perfect Life
I love “Aha!” moments and it’s wonderful to hear about those same moments from other people. These are moments when crystal clarity opens one up to a deeper understanding of life. With that clarity, the course of one’s life changes—often in beautiful and unimaginable ways.
These moments often contain truths and wisdom that others can relate to and be inspired by. Their packaging is as unique as the person relating them—and they are gifts worth sharing.
My “Aha!” moment was born from a challenging job experience that lasted several years. It sucked the life force right out of me and its negative impacts spilled over into other areas of my life so that I felt a deep lack of joy.
I knew something had to change or I could careen in a downward spiral that would be very difficult to get out of.
So I took up painting. I went back and forth on doing this, but there came a point when I made myself choose to either I commit to painting or let it go.
Curious to see what would come out of this choice, I committed to painting at least two paintings a month.
I began to feel happier and more alive than I had in years. These feelings grew as I continued to paint. At the end of five years, I had over 120 paintings. These paintings were in bright, bold, and vibrant colors. They made me happy, and when people saw my paintings, they told me my paintings made them happy too.
My creativity and joy continued to blossom, and wonderful opportunities continue to manifest in a variety of ways. The following are just a few examples.
In 2014, my book, Rumble Tumble Joy: A Journey for Healing, Inspiration, and Wholeness, was published. It includes my art and my writings. My art has been juried into art shows and is being seen by a greater audience. I’m writing another book as well as short stories. In addition, I have expanded my visual art creation to include collage.
Reflecting on what my life was like before compared to what it’s like now, my “Aha!” moment is that, if you don’t have joy in your life, you can make it. As you keep committing to making that joy, you are living it, and then beyond living it, you start being it.
By taking that first action and continuously moving forward—through the inertia, the resistance, and the obstacles—in a most miraculous way, joy exponentially increased in my life, and I began to bring joy to others as well.
In 2015, my “Aha!” moment was shared more widely when Mutual of Omaha staff traveled the USA in a 34-foot long, super-cool, silver bullet Airstream trailer to talk with folks across the nation about their “Aha!” moments and videotape them. This sharing was another exciting moment for me that I hope inspires others on their own life journeys—especially when things seem rather bleak.
Do I still have challenges in my life? Of course.
Does it take time and continuous commitment to ensure I’m open to different avenues for joy and creating joy in my life? Sure thing.
Has my life become more fulfilling? Definitely yes!
But without stepping outside my comfort zone and committing to doing what it takes to live a more joyful life, I would never have seen what my creativity could produce nor would I be experiencing the greater joy of people being inspired by my art, book and other writing; seeing my art exhibited in public venues; and hearing from others how I’m making a positive difference in the world.
I’m so very grateful to the wonderful people and opportunities that have come my way because I actively committed to creating joy in my life.
I know you have the power to create joy in your own life as well.
Don’t waste a moment! Take action now!
Previously published on www.kathrynvwhite.com

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