A Pathway to Your Sacred Self in an Age of Anxiety
Many of us are experiencing an awakening as we realize to whom we have given a fair amount of authority over our collective lives. Our global narrative has been amplified with some surreal impending atrocities, whether it is by a storm of nature or a storm of conscious or unconscious thinking.
This is why, if you are truly observing from the heart, you might see an increase in transformational thinkers and doers wanting to return to a more inclusive and respectful culture. Organizations like the Shift Network have been working for years to create a narrative of inner shifting of our perceptions. Other groups like the Brahma Kumaris have been working for 80 years to transform perceptions that lead towards a more inclusive and united common sharing of our lives for a golden-aged world. Philanthropist Oprah Winfrey and authors ranging from Martha Beck and Dr. Bruce Lipton, to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer and others have been serving our world through their work of raising the way we see ourselves and each other.
Our world is in need of honest conversations and a pathway to social and spiritual well-being. Rarely do we get to have real conversations in which we can talk openly and honestly about our hopes, fears, concerns, or personal dilemmas. Instead, we are becoming all too familiar with doom, gloom, disappointment, and fear. There is a need for a kind of friendship that crosses the barriers of religion, gender, nationality, political party, and even ideas. These are challenging times, no doubt because we are each being challenged to dig deeper and aim higher while listening, speaking, and doing life.
The consequence of living through an age of great anxiety and fear is enormous in its immediate response, but it is also a means to move us towards a golden-aged state of awareness. It’s a state of great respect, kindness, generosity, and appreciation. It’s a state of acknowledging the power of love in all of God’s children as they filter and sort out their attachments to old stories of pain that have carried their perceptions in a way that makes it normal for us to think that a particular race, religion, gender, or language is superior over another.
If we really look at the current state of the world right now, we might discover a deep sense of powerlessness, which brings rise to fear, anxiety, and a conflict of spiritual values. Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama, Dadi Janki, the late Nelson Mandela, and others have been guiding us to choose love over hate or fear. But why don’t we hear them? Is it because of the stories of our wounds, or insecurities that we own that might prevent us from hearing this simple solution towards world peace? Or, have we missed the real cause of the disease of hate, fear, separation, and greed?
When I look at a baby, I see innocence, love, wisdom, gentleness. And when I look at an adult, I see many stories that own the soul, and what was once a child of innate natural wisdom has been replaced with manipulation, deceit, greed, ego, attachment…and for what? What do we want? What do we need? Have we ever thought that our needs are the same? Love, respect, food, shelter, clothing, happiness….What I want might be more from an external world: the cars, luxury homes, positions of authority….What is more important? What matters more to you? If we were to take care of the inner world of integrity and wisdom, wouldn’t we naturally attract the wants?
So, we are in need of finding the sacred inside ourselves. We are in need of remembering the power that is an innate power in our being. We are in need of understanding and experiencing what we read in the scriptures, “We are made in the image of God.” What does that mean to you? From my observation, it means human beings who emanate a character of peace, purity, love, and wisdom in their actions. God is an ocean of goodness, virtues, and purity. If we are made in His image, these are the qualities we are to express from our image.
Be it man, woman, Christian, Jew, Republican, Democrat, etc., if more of us were willing to use this time to seek real deep meaning, purpose, and wisdom, then we could collectively re-emerge our golden-aged state. The suffering in the world is increasing for a reason. It’s a sign of an absence of God’s love inside of us. The darker the time gets in which more and more negative stories permeate the airwaves and atmosphere, the greater the opportunity will be to seek a path to remember who we really are—not what we have become. This is our age of returning to the sacred.
Previously published: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/a-pathway-to-your-sacred-self-in-an-age-of-anxiety_us_59b40724e4b0c50640cd679d

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