Being Healthy
I had never considered myself to be an unhealthy person. I have a physical job, so I get daily exercise. I have, however, managed to gain 100 pounds since high school, and am medically classified as obese.
The stark truth slapped me in the face one day when I was struggling to climb some stairs. I was limping because of an ankle injury that was not healing even after several months. I was tired of struggling, tired of a lack of energy, tired of feeling tired all the time. In that moment, I made a decision that has changed my life. I did not decide to lose weight. I decided to become healthy.
Walking 10 miles per day at my job, I was more active than most people, but it clearly wasn’t making a difference. I decided to cut out processed foods for 30 days (including all refined sugar). After just a week and a half, I knew this was my new life. I had energy, stamina, clarity, and I was losing weight.
Fast forward seven months, I have lost 82 pounds and am working out three times a week. I ran a 5K a week ago. I ran the whole thing without stopping, and it felt good. I ran almost two miles last night at the park. I made a decision to learn about health and nutrition, and I have learned to listen to my body.
The weight loss was a side effect of becoming healthy. Becoming healthy is 100 percent mindset. Regardless of the number on the scale, I make decisions based on what I know about health and fitness. The results have been nothing short of miraculous.

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