Your Heart Is a Warrior
My heart skipped a beat
When your heart thumbed in silence.
My heart rushed in pace when yours tired in anguish.
Your heart is precious
With thunders of old,
A thousand unfolds,
Stories untold,
And purely gold.
It has burnt ashes
And stories unsealed.
It clicks and clacks
With tremors of pain
And jitters unhealed.
Your heart is precious
With diamonds of strength
That sparkle happiness
Even in acid rain.
It roars and screams
In pain and cheer.
Your heart is a warrior
With swords and shields
Of golden dust and breeze
As it still beats
As loud as a drum
In the chaotic outfields.
My heart skips a beat
To see yours fight and fight
The unwanted dark breeze
That shackles and breaks,
The newborn seeds
Of joy and wisdom,
Hope and laughter.
My heart skips a beat
To see yours still beat.
The battle within,
Even with mold creeping in
As it brushes off the dark clouds
And the dusty mist.
My heart lives with joy,
With a wish within
To see yours beat infinite times more
With silver flying wings.

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